Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sneak Peek

Well well well...I realize it's been a while since my last post, but alas, I have no excuse.  Other than the fact that we've been running around like crazy since the moment we got off the plane from CA, and it won't stop until maybe NEXT weekend.  Maybe.  But it's all been fun, so I can't really complain :)

So I've been so wrapped up in editing all of these wedding photos that I completely neglected all of the rest of the (hundreds...eek!) pictures I took during our incredible stay out west.  (Thanks again Richardsons!).  Wedding photos will come soon, but until then, here's a little sneak peek of our trip:

Sometimes it was gorgeous, as seen below.  And then the fog would randomly roll in and the temp would drop 20 degrees in 2 seconds.  NOT a good time, but pretty, none the less.

 Because I can't make it longer than 30 minutes without busting the macro.  I army crawled over to this little guy and was amazed at all of the colors in his skin (coat? scales? whatever)

This bridge was built sometime in the 1930's.  Don't let that scare you when you're driving over that 500 foot drop or anything.  Not scary at all.

Oh!  The spray!  I think if I had begged Josh to pull off the road "so that I can get a picture of the spray" one more time, he would have thrown me off of the aforementioned bridge.

Luckily for me, I know when to stop asking.  And when to give my hubby some wine so he is more likely to give in to my photographic whims. :)

Since said hubby is trying to sleep next to me, I will bring this to a close.  Soon to come (I use this phrase very lightly): wedding pics.  Should be a very good time.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hello Again

Well hello again.  I know it's been awhile since I posted...and since I CLEARLY have a huge audience, I apologize to all three of you for the delay.  Thank you for your patronage :)

Ok, so I didn't end up going to take pictures of my friend's beautiful daughter (bad weather...hurricanes-n-such).  We did, however, go to the zoo.  It was actually a great day, and I was able to bring home a bunch of fun pictures.  And about 30 bug bites on my legs.  Good times.

Onto the animals....

I love elephants.  I hope I look this good when I'm old and wrinkly

This rhino was going to have nothing to do with the crowd of people willing him to turn around.  You've got to admire that kind of stubbornness 

Ahh the gorillas.  Always a fun stop

And the orangutans...this guy woke up, meandered across this rope thing, and then went right back to sleep.  What a life to live, huh?

Have you ever seen a baby orangutan?  Really, truly, honestly - this little guy was by far the cutest animal we saw all day.

It was lunch time at the petting zoo, which meant they were too busy stepping on each other to get to the food to stop and let us pet them.  

Back to the gorillas.  This guy was having the time of his life inspecting his foot.  It was pretty cute :)

Onto the lions.  This mama just had three little boy cubs - she has obvious reasons to be this tired

One close up - I couldn't resist.  I realize that she could maul me as easily as I flick off a mosquito, but her paws look so sweet and fluffy.  Kinda like my kitties, except a teeeny bit more powerful. 

That's it for now!  Wednesday morning we leave for California to photograph K & A's wedding, and we are SUPER excited.  The wedding isn't until Saturday, so we'll have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to roam all over the coast and Hwy 1 and take an excessive amount of pictures.  What's more fun than that?  

We'll also be bringing the laptop, and I've told J to force me into blogging while we're gone.  So my 3 readers will have something to do while they procrastinate ;)