After all of my moaning and groaning about nothing to photograph, my super cool husband (J) brought me home a bouquet of flowers so that I could photograph until my little heart was content.
200 photographs later (trigger happy, anyone?), I have something to show for it!
Oooo...light and flowers. Yummy
I love you, beautiful flower burst
Seriously, this on is wilted and it STILL looks cool!
Also wilting, but certainly one of my fave's
Thanks hubs! You always inspire me when I need it most :)
While I realize that it's not fall any more, I can't seem to find a plethora of things to take pictures of in winter in Georgia. Nothing to indicate that it's the coldest season of the year, except for some bare trees and a bunch of Georgians totally over dressed for 40 degree weather.
NOT that I'm complaining - I love our meek version of "cold" down here - I'm just sayin' that it's not totally awe inspiring out of doors right now.
So, enough blathering. My point is that I have resorted to digging through my files for some fun pictures to post, and found some fun fall shots that I never put up. So now I will share them, 5 months late.
I'm nothing if not timely.
These trees were in the park across the street from our townhouse. I was supposed to be eating lunch at home one day, but instead spent the entire lunch break at the park. Good thing too...the colors were gone in a few days!
Loved the red mixed in with all of the yellow and orange
The blue and yellow totally popped that day
That's it for now. I'm sure I'll catch on to the current season soon :)