After all of my moaning and groaning about nothing to photograph, my super cool husband (J) brought me home a bouquet of flowers so that I could photograph until my little heart was content.
200 photographs later (trigger happy, anyone?), I have something to show for it!
Oooo...light and flowers. Yummy

I love you, beautiful flower burst

Seriously, this on is wilted and it STILL looks cool!

Also wilting, but certainly one of my fave's

Thanks hubs! You always inspire me when I need it most :)
Wow you're back! I enjoyed catching up on this month's pics. I like the pics that look blurry (like the one that's the background for your blog title). It looks like the colours are oozing together. Congrats on the new nephew! He's very cute...especially his feet!
xoxo Stef
Absolutely gorgeous! You really capture the beauty of each flower--even as it's dying. I'm just continually amazed by your many talents! Love you, Mom
Amazing! What beautiful photos of flowers. I love flowers and you captured their true beauty. You have talant. (the new nephew-
Keep them coming...Love Aunt Sue
So I've been thinking....the pink upside down flower looks like a circus tent!
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