Have I mentioned how much I love my cats? Because if I haven't, I feel that now is an appropriate time.
I love my cats. I probably love them more than any person should love any animal. Truthfully, if it weren't for J and his "rational thoughts", I would be that crazy cat lady because I would a) not be able to leave the shelter without at least two cats and b) own every single "free kitten" in the city of Atlanta. And I'm pretty sure that's a LOT of free kittens. This is not to say that I haven't been burned on multiple occasions with shelter/free kitties. They've run away, or had diseases, or any other crazy things...but I love them all, and I would go out tomorrow and get 50 more if Josh would let me.
But he won't.
I suppose the negative side is that my house would be like those crazy ladies on TLC Documentaries where their whole house is a litter box and there are 800 bowls of food and 10 pregnant cats at any one time, and that would be kind of gross. That would actually be really gross. So I guess his "rational though" comes in handy, because I could probably get out of hand pretty quickly. I have no self control when it comes to cats...I'm not afraid to admit my flaws.
ANYWAY. At the request of my cousin Stef (a fellow kittie lover), and because I think they're pretty great, here are a few pics of my little cuties...
Here's Gus, being a little devil. He only looks sweet...don't let him fool you. This little sucker has claws like a lion and he's not afraid to use them. Except with kids...for whatever reason, he's extremely tolerant with tail pulling children. I cannot say the same for the cat we owned when I was little, and I have scars to prove it. (Not really, but she did scratch my nose one time)

Oh how I love me some kitty feet! I mean really, could they BE any cuter?
And here's Maxine, or Fatsy Maxie as we like to call her. You can't tell she's fat because (clearly) this is just of her eye. This is the only picture I could get before she ran away. She does NOT like for her picture to be taken. I'll get a good one though...just you wait.
And for all of you who don't like cats? Well, I don't have a dog, so that's just tough cookies, isn't it? I do have a friend who wants me to take some pics of her ADORABLE dog Sadie, so maybe she'll let me put a few up here when it's all said and done. But don't get your hopes up...the cat reigns in this garden.